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  • With corporate clients increasingly requiring that external lawyers understand their business, it is crucial that legal practitioners have greater business acumen.
    This course follows its companion course “Anatomy of a Corporation” which breaks down the responsibilities of different departments of a typical client corporation and how lawyers can potentially support those functions.
    While covering subjects that are typically in a traditional MBA program at a very high-level, this course focuses on general concepts that are most relevant to external counsel without getting into the nitty gritty technical details.
    By providing bite-sized business concepts, it focuses on fundamentals that are most useful from the perspective of providing legal services. While this course will not require you to calculate financial ratios, for example, it will provide a general understanding of why certain financial ratios might be important to external counsel providing legal advice to their clients.
    With a section at the end of each module on how you can apply the learnings to your practice, this course will help you better understand business parlance which will hopefully improve your service proposition and client relationships.

    Part 1 of the course included these modules:
    · Strategy
    · Macro- and Micro-Economics
    · Finance and Accounting

    The course topics include:
    · Sales and Marketing
    · Human Resources
    · Innovation

  • With corporate clients increasingly requiring that external lawyers understand their business, it is crucial that legal practitioners have greater business acumen.

    This course follows its companion course “Anatomy of a Corporation” which breaks down the responsibilities of different departments of a typical client corporation and how lawyers can potentially support those functions.

    While covering subjects that are typically in a traditional MBA program at a very high-level, this course focuses on general concepts that are most relevant to external counsel without getting into the nitty gritty technical details.

    By providing bite-sized business concepts, it focuses on fundamentals that are most useful from the perspective of providing legal services. While this course will not require you to calculate financial ratios, for example, it will provide a general understanding of why certain financial ratios might be important to external counsel providing legal advice to their clients.

    With a section at the end of each module on how you can apply the learnings to your practice, this course will help you better understand business parlance which will hopefully improve your service proposition and client relationships.

    The course topics include:

    · Strategy

    · Macro- and Micro-Economics

    · Finance and Accounting

    Part 2 of the course will include these modules:

    · Sales and Marketing

    · Human Resources

    · Innovation

  • The objective of this course is to examine relevant UAE medical malpractice legislation and the framework of legal remedies available to an individual. The course will define the central issues of medical malpractice law, practice and procedures within the context of these legal remedies.
    The course will examine each of the legal remedies available and the important role and functions of Medical Liability Committees and the Supreme Committee of Medical Liability (‘SCML’). The course will look at the Court’s prevailing attitude to SCML decisions and its ability to ‘challenge’ decisions pursuant to the relevant legislation- with examples of recent decisions to illustrate.

    The course will survey the procedures and practices of Civil, Criminal and Regulatory proceedings and the appeal processes that each remedy provides.

    The course will survey recent decisions in Civil and Criminal proceedings and the amounts awarded in compensation in Civil cases and examine the various laws which impact upon the assessment of damages. The course will consider the criminal penalties applicable in these cases and examine penalties imposed in recent judgments.

  • The term Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) relates to the resolution of disputes outside of the court system. Everyone has the right to have their disputes decided by a judge in court, but parties may agree to a less formal (and often speedier) form of dispute resolution. This course aims to explain the various form of ADR, with particular reference to the position in the UAE.
    We start with a brief explanation of the court system, where the clerk of the court may meet with the parties and attempt to bring them together and settle their dispute amicably. This is similar to the traditional Arab custom of settling disputes in the majlis.
    We will then consider mediation, then adjudication, with particular reference to the provisions of the FIDIC contracts. There are Dispute Adjudication Boards (DABs), Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Boards (BAABs), and plain adjudication.
    We will also consider briefly less formal forms of ADR, including Expert Determination, Early Neutral Evaluation and Conciliation.
    We will then consider arbitration under Federal Law No. 6 of 2018 on Arbitration, as amended. We will examine the DIAC Arbitration Rules. UAE courts take the view that court litigation is the normal venue for settling legal disputes and that arbitration is an exception to that and requires clear agreement by parties who have the legal capacity to make such an agreement.
    By the end of the course, candidates should be in a good position to advise their clients.

  • Learn the best practices for data security and governance to protect sensitive information and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Take your Power BI skills to the next level, learning advanced techniques for deeper insights and stronger legal case strategies.

  • Start your journey with Power BI to create impactful reports and dashboards that can transform legal data analysis and visualization.

  • Equip yourself with essential Excel skills for robust data analysis, crucial for legal case management and decision-making.

  • Recognise the critical aspects of anti-money laundering (AML), bribery, and corruption prevention, essential for maintaining integrity and compliance in legal practices.

  • Explore the latest in AI and technology trends, focusing on their implications for business and legal practices, ensuring you stay at the forefront of innovation.