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  • This is Part 1 of a two part course that will explore some of the key provisions of a licence agreement in relation to intellectual property (IP) rights.

    In this course, you will learn:

    1. What are some of the motivating factors for a party to decide to enter into an IP licence agreement.
    2. What are some of the key provisions of an IP licence agreement.
    3. What are examples of draft wording for these provisions.
    4. What are the different perspectives, interests and positions of a Licensor and a Licensee.
    5. What do ‘real world’ examples show in relation to the importance of drafting considerations at the outset.
  • A Federal Law No. 34 of 2021 on Countering Rumors and Cybercrimes came into effect on the 2nd of January 2022 and addresses the use of information technology or information technology equipment at a time where cybercrimes are on the rise. It provides a framework under which participation in a digital world and the use of information technology and/or information technology equipment is carried out in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others.

    In this course, we will tackle the following topics:

    1) The definition of a cybercrime and its characteristics;
    2) The different categories of cybercrimes;
    3) The criminal liability associated to cybercrime and its elements;
    4) Penalties for cybercrimes.

  • Course Description:
    This 2-hour webinar is designed specifically for the members of DLAD seeking to deepen their understanding of the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI continues to evolve, legal practitioners are faced with new challenges and ethical dilemmas. This course will explore key topics within AI ethics, providing lawyers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this complex landscape. Through real-world examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will gain insights into ethical frameworks, regulatory considerations, bias and fairness in AI systems, and the legal responsibilities in AI-related cases.

    A. Introduction to AI Ethics and Legal Implications
    • Overview of AI technologies and their applications
    • Legal and ethical challenges posed by AI in various sectors
    • Introduction to relevant regulations and guidelines
    • Ethical Frameworks for AI Decision-Making

    B. Virtue ethics in the context of AI
    • Ethical decision-making models for AI developers and users
    • Case studies illustrating ethical dilemmas and their resolutions
    • Bias and Fairness in AI Systems

    C. Understanding algorithmic bias and its impact
    • Techniques for detecting and mitigating bias in AI algorithms
    • Legal implications of biased AI systems and relevant case law
    • AI and Privacy: Legal Considerations

    D. Privacy challenges in AI applications
    • Overview of privacy laws and regulations relevant to AI technologies
    • Balancing technological innovation with individual privacy rights
    • Legal Responsibilities and Accountability in AI-Related Cases
    • Case studies of AI-related legal disputes and their outcomes

    Learning Objectives:
    • Explain the concepts of algorithmic bias, fairness, and their implications in legal contexts.
    • Apply ethical decision-making models to analyze real-world ethical dilemmas in AI-related legal cases.
    • Analyze privacy challenges in AI applications, considering relevant laws, and propose solutions for legal compliance.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of legal standards and regulations in addressing challenges posed by AI, and suggest improvements.
    • Develop guidelines and best practices tailored for legal professionals to navigate ethical challenges in AI-related cases.

  • A Federal Law No. 34 of 2021 on Countering Rumors and Cybercrimes came into effect on the 2nd of January 2022 and addresses the use of information technology or information technology equipment at a time where cybercrimes are on the rise. It provides a framework under which participation in a digital world and the use of information technology and/or information technology equipment is carried out in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others.

    In this course, we will tackle the following topics:

    1) The definition of a cybercrime and its characteristics;
    2) The different categories of cybercrimes;
    3) The criminal liability associated to cybercrime and its elements;
    4) Penalties for cybercrimes.

  • A new law on civil procedure has been issued (Federal Law no. 42 of 2022) which replaces the Federal Law no. 11 of 1992 on civil procedure and its executive regulations issued under Cabinet Resolution no. 57 of 2018. The new law came into force on the 2nd of January 2023.

    It has introduced substantial changes and additions to the previous law that will be highlighted in this course.

  • -Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a big part of the corporate finance world.

    -Commercial input is essential in M&A (mergers and acquisitions) transactions because it provides critical insights into the financial and strategic implications of the deal. Commercial input can come from various stakeholders, including investment bankers, financial advisors, lawyers, accountants.

    -Legal input consists of the following:

    Ensuring regulatory compliance
    Negotiating and drafting contracts and legal documentation
    Mitigating legal risks
    Resolving disputes

    -The core of the M&A process resides in the negotiation and drafting of the Sale and Purchase agreement (SPA).

  • A new law on civil procedure has been issued (Federal Law no. 42 of 2022) which replaces the Federal Law no. 11 of 1992 on civil procedure and its executive regulations issued under Cabinet Resolution no. 57 of 2018. The new law came into force on the 2nd of January 2023.

    It has introduced substantial changes and additions to the previous law that will be highlighted in this course.

  • -Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a big part of the corporate finance world.

    -Commercial input is essential in M&A (mergers and acquisitions) transactions because it provides critical insights into the financial and strategic implications of the deal. Commercial input can come from various stakeholders, including investment bankers, financial advisors, lawyers, accountants.

    -Legal input consists of the following:

    Ensuring regulatory compliance
    Negotiating and drafting contracts and legal documentation
    Mitigating legal risks
    Resolving disputes

    -The core of the M&A process resides in the negotiation and drafting of the Sale and Purchase agreement (SPA).

  • Course Description:
    This 2-hour webinar is designed specifically for the members of DLAD seeking to deepen their understanding of the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI continues to evolve, legal practitioners are faced with new challenges and ethical dilemmas. This course will explore key topics within AI ethics, providing lawyers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this complex landscape. Through real-world examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will gain insights into ethical frameworks, regulatory considerations, bias and fairness in AI systems, and the legal responsibilities in AI-related cases.

    A. Introduction to AI Ethics and Legal Implications
    • Overview of AI technologies and their applications
    • Legal and ethical challenges posed by AI in various sectors
    • Introduction to relevant regulations and guidelines
    • Ethical Frameworks for AI Decision-Making

    B. Virtue ethics in the context of AI
    • Ethical decision-making models for AI developers and users
    • Case studies illustrating ethical dilemmas and their resolutions
    • Bias and Fairness in AI Systems

    C. Understanding algorithmic bias and its impact
    • Techniques for detecting and mitigating bias in AI algorithms
    • Legal implications of biased AI systems and relevant case law
    • AI and Privacy: Legal Considerations

    D. Privacy challenges in AI applications
    • Overview of privacy laws and regulations relevant to AI technologies
    • Balancing technological innovation with individual privacy rights
    • Legal Responsibilities and Accountability in AI-Related Cases
    • Case studies of AI-related legal disputes and their outcomes

    Learning Objectives:
    • Explain the concepts of algorithmic bias, fairness, and their implications in legal contexts.
    • Apply ethical decision-making models to analyze real-world ethical dilemmas in AI-related legal cases.
    • Analyze privacy challenges in AI applications, considering relevant laws, and propose solutions for legal compliance.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of legal standards and regulations in addressing challenges posed by AI, and suggest improvements.
    • Develop guidelines and best practices tailored for legal professionals to navigate ethical challenges in AI-related cases.

  • This course provides an exploration of the process of drafting arbitration awards and the procedures for challenging or enforcing them, particularly under UAE law. It also examines the legal framework and strategies involved in post-award proceedings.