Course Details

Joint Venture (Arabic Language – AED 400)

LocationOnline via Webex Application

In an introductory section, we will define the Joint Venture, its types (corporate and contractual) and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. We will then explore the following topics:

The contractual Joint Venture: How to draft and negotiate a comprehensive Joint Venture Agreement? Discussion of the key provisions in a Joint Venture Agreement.

Samples of Joint Venture Agreements will be presented to the audience for discussion.

The Joint Venture company (JVC): The types of Joint Venture companies that are allowed in the UAE; the typical founding documents/formal requirements in order to validly constitute a JVC; Financing of the JVC; Possible forms of participation in a JV’s share capital; Dividend policy; Disposition and acquisition of shares;  Parties’ liabilities; Parties’ control over the JV’s decision-making; Governance issues; Competition law considerations; Legal regime applicable to a JV termination; Dispute resolution.

A case study will be prepared for the audience’s analysis and discussion.

Highlight on the JV with a public sector body.

Decisions issued by the courts in the United Arab Emirates regarding joint venture will be referred to and discussed.