Course Details

Competition and Anti-Dumping Laws in UAE

LocationAl Hudaiba Awards Building, Block C, M Floor

The course will provide a comprehensive overview of UAE Competition and Anti-Dumping Laws. For Competition Laws, participants will gain an understanding of their ethos, supported by international examples, and will examine the applicable UAE laws, regulations, and administrative authorities. The course will explore prohibited anti-competitive practices, offering practical guidance on compliance under both UAE and EU Competition Laws. It will also discuss the possibility of exemptions from penalties for anti-competitive practices, the process for obtaining such exemptions, and the merger control regime, including conditions, thresholds, application details, and procedures. Additionally, participants will review penalties, appeals, and enforcement statistics within the UAE’s Competition Law framework.

For Anti-Dumping Laws, the course will introduce the ethos of these laws, referencing international practices and treaties, including agreements among GCC countries. Participants will explore anti-dumping practices, their market impact in the UAE, and the measures used to address them, such as countervailing and anti-dumping actions imposed by UAE authorities. The course will outline the procedures for implementing these measures, discuss available recourses against decisions, and review enforcement examples and statistics in the UAE.